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Tag Archives: rabbit control

The Easter Bunny

In the United States, Easter Sunday celebrations often go hand-in-hand with the Easter Bunny. Young children leave their baskets to see what kinds of special fillers the mythical creature has left. Like Santa Claus as the figurehead of Christmas, the elusive figure has no apparent connections to the post-Lenten holy day. So why then has the Easter Bunny become so prevalently symbolic in our modern-day celebrations?

How is a bunny related to Easter?

Stories say that the Easter Bunny’s origins stem from early pagan celebrations, namely, the vernal equinox. Pagans would celebrate the renewal of life, as well as the goddess of dawn and fertility, each spring. They would often represent this goddess, Eostre, by an egg or the hare. As Christianity spread its roots throughout Europe, celebrations around the vernal equinox may have merged with the observance of Christ’s resurrection. This is because they both occur around the same time each year. Over time, missionaries were said to have blended pagan traditions with Christian holidays to make transitions smoother. It’s a possibility that the resurrection of Christ and the celebrations of Eostre were united.

The earliest evidence of a more recognizable Easter Bunny dates back to the seventeenth century as it is first mentioned in German writings. This bunny, called “Oschter Haws” or in English, Easter hare, would lay a nest of colorful eggs for good children.

Is the Easter bunny real?

There is no single bunny that once was the iconic hare; history says the legendary egg-laying rabbit came to America by German immigrants in the 1700s. Children would make nests for the Oschter Haws to leave behind its eggs. As immigration increased, the tradition spread into the U.S., where the hare’s gifts eventually became chocolates and candies, and the nests became baskets. Chocolate bunnies also originated in Germany, where they began making pastries for the fabled hare in the 1800s.

Why not the Easter Chicken?

The hare and the egg became one with the spring holiday because of roots in pagan faith representing rebirth and fertility. It seems more possible that these two images merged into the egg-laying rabbit of German folklore instead of a far more practical, and actually egg-laying, chicken.

Regardless of who’s laying the eggs, eggs are the main Easter image that has come to represent Jesus’s resurrection. A possible reason for actually decorating eggs is to prepping them for consumption on Easter morning once Lenten fasting is over.

Whether it was pagan or Christian associations with the rabbit that ultimately influenced the Germans, the world may never know. But one thing is sure: The Easter Bunny will continue to bring joy and excitement to children across the country every Easter Sunday.

Rabbit Control & Prevention

Learn how to keep the neighborhood rabbit out of your garden this spring with these tips.

Why We Keep Rabbits Out

Anyone who tills soil regards the rabbit as more than a cute addition to the carrot patch. This long-eared mammal possesses a voracious appetite for various fresh vegetation— perennials, annuals, woody plants, vegetables, and fruit. The menu of rabbit favorites is so ridiculously long it’s easier to list the foods they don’t enjoy.

As if that isn’t enough, rabbits also reproduce at excessively high rates, hence the phrase “multiplying like rabbits”. This is why allowing them to hang around may quickly become a total garden infestation and destruction. Their numbers skyrocket at three litters of six babies each per year in the north and up to as many as six litters of three babies each year in the south. In the north, the first litter appears in March but is year-round elsewhere. Their gestation period is a mere 29 days.

Your backyard bunny’s main concern is to eat without being eaten, which is a difficult task given that more than two dozen predatory species relish rabbits. Because of this, nibbling your marigolds is not a carefree picnic but, in fact, a potentially life-threatening mission. However, if the neighborhood Peter Cottontail can squeeze through a hole in your garden fence, it will be able to munch safely. 

How to Prevent Rabbits

The most effective way to keep rabbits out of the garden is to start using the plants they don’t like early in the spring and then be consistent throughout the growing season. 

  • First and foremost, it’s best to keep rabbits from crossing into the garden, to begin with. Many historical remedies rely on spreading various substances around the garden’s perimeter, i.e., human hair, dried blood, or dried blood meal. If you sprinkle dried blood on the soil around all your plants as early in the season as you can, and repeat after heavy rain. Note: If you have dogs, it’s probably best to avoid this method because they will likely be attracted to the scent and potentially dig up your garden.
  • Don’t solely rely on repellents. The most effective way of keeping out rabbits is chicken wire fencing. Install a fence that is 4 feet high and bury it 6 inches deep. Bend the fence’s top foot away from the garden similarly to a security fence so that they are unable to climb or jump over it. For fresh bulbs, try securing a cage or dome of chicken wire over the beds.
  • Rabbits prefer to not leave their shelters, so if you reduce the possible rabbit homes around your yard this will help deter them. Brushing away piles of brush and leaves, and filling in abandoned burrows are also means of prevention. Hopefully, if a rabbit doesn’t have a place to live, it won’t stay long. Rabbits will also breed much more efficiently if they have a suitable habitat available—all the more reason to provide nothing!

What Do Rabbits Dislike?

According to rabbit experts, rabbits have plant preferences based on taste, nutritional value, the presence of poison or prickles, and ease of availability. Their food tastes can also vary by season and even region, so not all plants work for all rabbit species. Do your research, and then tend plants that your local rabbits don’t find very tasty.

Rabbits tend to avoid a few of the same plants as Japanese beetles and deer.

If you’d like to control all these critters, choose plants such as:

  • Lilac bushes
  • Daffodils
  • Lavender
  • Marigolds
  • Forsythia
  • Snapdragons
  • Zinnias

These will likely help to reduce your rabbit population. Obviously, these are not is not a guaranteed solution, as hungry rabbits will eat almost anything. However, filling your garden with these plants might make your garden less appetizing than another one.

If all else fails, calling a wildlife professional at Hogarth’s Pest Control is always a great option. We are skilled in trapping and relocating sometimes required for rabbit control. If you are experiencing an unrelenting issue with rabbits in your garden this spring, don’t hesitate to reach out today!