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Category Archives: Bees Wasps & Hornets

Autumn Stings

It’s officially fall, which means Michigan’s woods and fields are buzzing with stinging insects fueling up for winter; and some of them are grumpy.

Yellowjackets are especially not in the mood to be trifled with as they can be really intolerant this time of the year. As things begin to wind down in the fall, they can become aggressive.We receive numerous calls each fall season with homeowners claiming to have a nest somewhere on their property Homeowners will notice singleton bees and wasps hanging out around their doors, windows, and soffits; they searching for any crevice to squeeze into.  Yellowjackets often nest in the ground in colonies that can reach 4,000 to 5,000 workers. The entrance holes they are searching for might’ve been there since spring— but autumn is when the colony reaches its largest and when the insects become feisty. One reason is the last hatch consists of next year’s queens, which are the future of the colony.


Swat a stinging insect and you might trigger and even more threatening response: Like a honeybee, a dying yellowjacket releases a pheromone that alerts the nest. Meddling or even stepping in the wrong place can trigger a full-on attack with the wasps swarming and pursuing.

Humans are most likely to encounter stinging insects as they look for food. Their diet somewhat changes. Throughout the summer wasps are predators, feeding on other insects. In the fall they develop somewhat of a sweet tooth. Fermenting fruit, colas, ciders, fruit juice, become more attractive to the wasps. Because of this, they tend to linger about orchards, cider mills, picnic areas, outdoor restaurant seating, and barbecues— all popular fall hangouts for Michigan residents.

Similar to mosquito bites, wasp stings contain a protein that can cause itching. They can and will sting multiple times, along with hornets. Both wasp and hornet stings can be painful and swell for up to 24 hours as they inject venom into their victims.

Honeybees, on the other hand, have a barbed stinger and can only sting once, as they die after stinging. The stinger remains in the victim’s skin until someone removes it. You can easily scrape it out with a fingernail or with a credit card.

Overall, avoiding these insects in any season is the best method to prevent stings. Knowing the correct precautions to take not only keeps your fall season safe but above all, fun!

For more information on how to distinguish stinging insects from one another, be sure to check this out!

Here are some examples of nests to avoid:

Stinging insectsstinging insectsstinging insectsstinging insects

Miller, Korin. “Is That Stinging Insect a Bee, Wasp, or Hornet? Here’s Exactly How to Tell.” Prevention. 18 May 2020, www.prevention.com/life/a32389815/bee-vs-wasp-vs-hornet-difference/.

Yield to Yellowjackets

The yellowjacket, or yellow jacket, refers to several species of North American predatory wasps. These wasps are aptly named based on their appearance black with yellow legs, and a yellow “jacket” on their thorax. Commonly mistaken as bees, yellowjackets are extremely aggressive and should be left alone and dealt with by a professional at all times.

Threats of Yellowjackets

Yellowjackets pose as a threat for an array of individuals. They cause trouble for lawn maintenance professionals because they can disturb a nest by weed whipping or mowing. Roofers also have a tough time with them when they have decided to nest in the attic, and homeowners may notice them nesting under siding or windows. Yellowjackets also pose a threat for both pets and unsuspecting humans, whether indoors or out; sometimes, they make their way inside the home and become aggressive trying to find their way out. All these situations can be extremely dangerous and even deadly.

These wasps cause fatalities every summer in Northern Michigan; even if you are not specifically allergic to these wasps, the venom from their sting can still be fatal—, especially if swarmed by multiple. Their stingers, unlike other stinging insects, are not barbed; thus allowing them the ability to sting repeatedly. Symptoms of an allergic reaction include swelling of the face, mouth, and/or throat with the eventual inability to breathe (anaphylaxis). Other equally serious symptoms may also manifest, such as vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, and loss of motor function.

The most common way to encounter these wasps is by stumbling upon a nest. These nests are easy to identify by their papery appearance, a substance made from chewed cellulose. The nests are near or on trees, bushes, and the eaves of houses. Some species of yellow jackets build their nests in the ground, making them easy targets for unsuspecting walkers. This event not only affects humans but animals as well.

Dogs and Yellowjackets

Dogs, curious by nature, tend to encounter these wasps most. Unsuspecting dogs are often stung on the face or in the mouth. This usually results in a yelp, followed by pawing at the muzzle or other affected areas. Other signs can range from mild to severe, depending on the location of the sting, the amount of stings, and whether the dog has an allergy to the venom. Typically, the dog will experience slight swelling and/or redness of the affected area. These side effects will subside within hours to a day.

In more serious instances, a potentially deadly reaction can occur from 10-30 minutes. These symptoms include the swelling of the eyes and face, which can lead to difficulty breathing.  Other symptoms may also manifest, such as drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, weakness and collapsing.

Tips for keeping Yellowjackets away:

  1. Keep trash cans covered
  2. Make sure all doors and windows have screens
  3. Avoid wearing sweet-smelling perfume
  4. Caulk and seal small holes around the home
  5. Work with licensed pest control professionals to eradicate an existing issue

Make sure all of the outdoor areas near your home are free of garbage, including empty cans. Like many other flying insects, adult yellow jackets will feed on picnic fare, fruits, the nectar of flowers, and the occasional soda or beer when they find an open can. However, something that makes yellow jackets unique is their carnivorous diet. In the larval stage, yellow jackets will feast on meat from other insects, such as flies and bees, foraged by worker wasps. These wasps will search for food up to 1 mile from their nest!

While most homeowners consider yellow jackets a pest, their unique diet actually makes them an important part of garden pest control. Gardens are chock full of all the insects for yellow jacket larvae to feed on. However, this makes them a seasonal pest as food supplies dwindle throughout the year. Yellowjacket queens are the only survivors during the winter months, as they will live to create a new colony in the spring.

“I found a nest”

Common places for a nest are attached to bushes, trees, or the eaves of homes. Yellowjacket nests are built with a recognizable paper-like material made from chewed cellulose.  If you believe to have come across a yellow jacket nest, stop! Contact a licensed pest control professional to properly move the nest as soon as possible. It is important to steer clear from these wasps at all costs because they are quick to attack, one may develop a hypersensitivity to their venom after being stung. This makes the threat of a future encounter even greater.

Yellowjackets and other beings are able to live harmoniously so long as the wasps get the respect they deserve. They do not seek out humans or animals to sting, and only do it as a means to protect themselves. Yellowjackets can be controlled and we work with them every day. If you are experiencing issues with yellow jackets near your home, do not hesitate to give us a call today! 



“Animal Facts: Yellow Jacket.” NatureMapping Foundation, Washington NatureMapping Program, 01 June 2019, naturemappingfoundation.org/natmap/facts/yellow_jacket_712.html.

“Dog Stung by a Bee? Here’s What You Should Know.” Taste of the Wild, Taste of the Wild Pet Food, 23 May 2017, www.tasteofthewildpetfood.com/health/dog-bee-sting/.

“Everything You Need to Know About Yellowjackets.” www.PestWorld.org , PestWorld, 02 June 2019, www.pestworld.org/news-hub/pest-articles/everything-you-need-to-know-about-yellowjackets/.


What’s the buzz about?

We want to save the bees, but keep them away from ourselves and our loved ones, right? Approximately 86 people die from run-in’s with these insects every year, typically from anaphylaxis which is commonly associated with an allergy. All bee species in Michigan are considered important pollinators, as they fly from flower to flower spreading pollen, so it is illegal to kill some species. Removal and control are the best methods to combat a bee infestation.

Bees make their hives in anything hollow; including tree stumps and unfortunately the walls of our homes or other structures. They are disturbed whenever the structure in which their hive is built is disturbed; the vibrations from any outside movement cause the bees to become very unhappy, and in many cases this is when stings occur. That being said, There are 3 main types of bees in Michigan, and it is important to know which ones you are dealing with in the event you notice them buzzing around your homes and/or structures this summer.

Bumble bees

Bumble bees are large insects that are black and yellow in color with a seemingly fuzzy appearance.  There are 15-18 different species of bumble bees in Michigan and the surrounding states. They are ground-nesting; their hives are usually smaller hives than honey bees. Bumble bees are important pollinators and are often found circling the purple cone flower. In recent years, due to a lack of these flowers in gardens, the bumble pee population has significantly decreased. Bumble bees like to keep to themselves, as they are not considered aggressive and only sting if they feel their nest has been threatened. Queen and worker bees have the ability to sting repeatedly, as their stingers are not barbed, so stinging does not kill the bee.

Carpenter bees

Carpenter bees are large insects whose life only spans up to one year. Females rarely sting and males completely lack the ability to, so they are not considered dangerous. True to their name, these bees bore into raw wood, such as deck timbers, especially if it’s weathered or has starter holes. As a result, this can cause severe damage to log and wood-sided structures. Contrary to popular belief, these bees do not eat the wood, they simply hollow out and live in it. Nectar from flowering plants is their main food source; so, like other native bees, carpenter bees are important plant pollinators, thriving in gardens and in some crops.

Honey bees

Honeybees are one of the more popular bees, despite representing only a small percent of bee species. They measure at about 15mm in length and range anywhere from golden yellow to black in color. They make their hives in anything hollow, such as tree stumps damaged by carpenter ants or inside of the walls of home or frequented structures can become damaged over time as the hive grows and is filled with honey. Honey is a sweet and viscous food substance derived from plants that serves various purposes to humans.  Honey not only contains some nutrients and antioxidants, but is considered to be a “less bad” alternative to white sugar and is low in cholesterol! The bees make honey as a food source for the winter months, so even experienced bee keepers must be careful as to how much honey they harvest from hives to sell.

During their mating season in the spring months, honey bees swarm which can cause quite a disturbance to customers. A honey bee stinger is barbed, so it is unable to remove the stinger upon stinging a person. They rupture their abdomen in an attempt to get away, which not only leaves behind the stinger but also part of its abdomen and digestive tract, plus muscles and nerves. This kills the bee, making the honey bee the only bee to die after stinging.

It is important to know that these bees are extremely beneficial and protected federally; so, it is illegal to kill them. Eradication must include the help of a licensed beekeeper, of which we have a couple to recommend.

Benefits of honey bees include:

  • Pollination
    • Honeybees are among the most popular of all the pollinators. They are an integral part of our ecosystem!
  • Honey
    • Honey has been used by humans for millions of years. It is not only a healthier alternative to white sugar but tastes wonderful on its own!
  • Beeswax
    • Used for candles and beauty products
  • Royal jelly, propolis and bee pollen
    • All of which have medicinal benefits

It is important to know that certain predatory wasps are commonly misidentified as bees. The yellow jacket, despite its black and yellow thorax, is in fact a wasp. Due to their intense aggression and ability to chase and sting victims, bees have gotten a bad reputation amongst people. We will discuss yellow jackets at length on a later date, but it is important to know that there is a difference upon discovering a hive. Bees, for the most part, just enjoy flying around mind their own while stimulating the ecosystem as they go.

Proper handling is important when dealing with any sort of bee or their hive, so it is important to call a licensed pest control professional. We have been keeping properties free of bees in Northern Michigan for 25 years, so don’t hesitate to reach out to us today!

All About Stinging Insects

Bees, wasps, yellow jackets and hornets are one of the most common pest control issues we deal with at Hogarth’s Pest Control. Stinging insects are often unwelcome summer guests, nesting on homes, in trees, under decks and even underground. Though all stinging insects have multiple similarities, each have individual qualities that differentiate them.

Yellow Jackets

What many confuses as “bee stings” are actually stings from yellow jackets. Yellow jackets are the most aggressive of the stinging insects and typically nest underground. If you notice flying insects coming from an underground burrow, it is most likely yellow jackets and should be taken care of by a professional. Colonies can contain thousands of yellow jackets and can be easily provoked. Yellow jackets can also sting multiple times. All of our technicians are equipped with a bee-suit and protective equipment to combat even the worst type of nests. We highly suggest avoiding yellow jacket nests and calling Hogarth’s at the first sign of an issue.

Paper Wasps and Hornets

Bald Faced Hornets Nest
Bald Faced Hornets Nest

Paper wasps and hornets also form colonies but nest above ground, unlike yellow jackets. Both can inflict extremely painful, sometimes paralyzing stings. Their nests can be commonly found under decks, steps, and railings but are also built in trees and bushes. Nests can grow from a baseball to basketball-size in just days. Most customers aren’t even aware they have a nest until being stung. We suggest carefully inspecting areas around your home where paper wasps and hornets are likely to nest, especially if you have small children or pets.


Bumblebees are usually easy to distinguish based on their larger size. Their colonies are much smaller than other stinging insects, usually with only 100 individuals. Like yellow jackets, bumblebees can sting multiple times.

Honeybees are the gentlest type of stinging insect and typically nest in hollowed out trees or in homes where there is some type of cavity or opening. Honeybees only sting as a last resort, usually sacrificing their life to protect their colony. When it stings, the stinger rips from its body and the bee dies. We do not want to harm honeybees and instead refer clients with honeybees to our local beekeeper.

Combating Stinging Insects

Prevention is key to protecting your home from unwanted stinging insects. The best method is via exterior spray on the home to prevent bees, wasps, hornets and yellow jackets from building nests on your structure. We also offer individual nest removals, but preventing nests from being re-built can only be done by treating the home. We strongly suggest having a professional take care of these issues as they can be dangerous and can cause further issues if not handled properly.

Call Hogarth’s with all of your stinging insect needs, and be sure to prevent problems before they occur!