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Tag Archives: exlusion

Feeling Batty

Bats are under federal protection and can be found in almost every country in the world. They typically prefer warmer climates and make their homes in caves, attics, barns and trees. Bats are extremely helpful at controlling insect populations and are the only flying mammals. Even though bats are great for the environment, they can cause quite a disturbance in a home. Bats can leave behind a tremendous amount of droppings and urine, and often carry rabies. Hogarth’s Pest Control works to safely and effectively exclude bats from a structure without harming or killing them, yet protecting your home and family from the dangers and diseases bats can bring along.

Tendencies of Bats

Bats begin mating late in the summer and into the fall, but do not have pups until the spring. Females make their way into structures in attempt to safely care for their pups in groups away from the males. By July, pups wean from their mothers and are able to care for themselves. At this time, it becomes safe for Hogarth’s to exclude bats from a structure. Homeowners typically become aware of bats in their structure by seeing droppings, hearing screeching or squealing, or by seeing a physical bat in their home.

We require a complete bat inspection to evaluate the situation. This is so that we may see where bats are entering and exiting the structure, and what areas of the home need to be excluded to prevent re-infestation. Bats are nocturnal, and under some circumstances a night inspection may be needed. We encourage homeowners to watch for bats that may be exiting the structure around dusk; as this can confirm both an infestation and where entry points on the home are located.

Bat droppings can cause a home to become “sick” if not taken care of properly and in a timely manner. We highly recommend calling Hogarth’s at the first sign of an infestation to keep your home and family safe and bat-free. Hogarth’s Pest Control specializes in safely removing bats while providing homeowners with the tools and tips necessary for avoiding re-infestation in the future. For clients who prefer to have bats around their property, just not in their homes, we can teach them how to safely and properly care for bats in the area while preventing an infestation.

Hogarth’s is your local, specialized, and trusted group of professionals. We work to do everything we can to safely protect you, your family, and your home from bats.