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Monthly Archives: April 2020

Garden Pests

Spring is an exciting time for everyone, but especially gardeners. The time to begin their yearly botanical endeavors is quickly approaching. However, it is not all smooth sailing no matter how skilled of a gardener one is— there are dangers in the form of garden pests lurking around the corner. Garden pests lay in wait for your new plants to begin growing, which when they’ll come out in full force, hungry from winter dormancy. By diligence and taking preventative action, you can stop these pests from wreaking havoc on your garden.


Aphids can come in many colors and species, all of which can cause damage to your plants. These pests use their piercing mouthparts to feed on plant sap and juices. They can be found feeding in groups on new plant growth or the undersides of leaves, which kills them, as well as stems and buds. An aphid infestation can actually be exacerbated by over-fertilization with nitrogen. The plants most affected by aphid damage include geraniums, roses, tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, carrot crowns, kale, and cabbage. You can plant certain herbs that will attract wasps, who prey on aphids, to help control an infestation; however, spraying them off with a garden hose is most effective.

Corn Earworms

Corn earworm is a pest that migrates to Michigan every year carried on weather fronts; it overwinters in the southern United States, where it is also a pest of cotton and soybeans. Aptly named, corn earworms feed on ears of fresh corn. These worms are the biggest threat to sweet corn in Michigan because once they enter the ear, they become impossible to remove.

The worms attack corn silk, which results in moldy and deformed ears. Controlling corn earworms can be a difficult task that requires year-round vigilance.

Colorado Potato Beetles

Potato beetles have a yellow shell with ten narrow black stripes. In the spring, the females lay their eggs on the undersides of leaves.

When the larvae hatch, they feed on plant vegetation for 10-30 days before reaching adulthood. Potato beetles continue to feed on the foliage, which leads to the death of the plant. Use a floating row cover on potato plants to prevent these beetles from reaching the plants. Hand pick adults and larvae from the leaves and drop them into a cup of soapy water.

Cucumber Beetle

Cucumber beetles cause severe damage to crops like cucumbers, watermelons, and cantaloupe. These yellow-green beetles don’t limit the extent of their damage to feeding; they also cause bacterial wilt.

The bacterium that causes bacterial wilt lives in the stomachs of the cucumber beetles— in the spring when they emerge to feed, they spread the bacterium from their mouthparts and through their excrement. Once inside, the bacterium quickly multiplies which produces blockages that cause the leaves to wilt and die. The beetles unwittingly pick up the bacteria from the exterior of the plant and transfer it. There is, unfortunately, nothing that can be done to save a plant infected with wilt. Early preventative measures are essential to halt the spread of bacterial wilt. Cover crops with a row cover and remove as plants flower to help control these beetles.

No gardener wants their hard work to be compromised by garden pests. Knowing what to look for is the first step toward protecting the fruits of your labor!



Ticks in 2020

It’s a public health concern perfect storm: With outdoor recreation one of the only exceptions to Michigan’s stay-home order during the current COVID-19 crisis, more people are heading outdoors— just as ticks reach peak season.

Michigan is home to various species of ticks, a few of which become active early this time of year. The deer tick, known as the black-legged, is perhaps the most notorious of them all; this is because they can carry the Lyme disease-causing bacteria.

Not all of Michigan’s tick species harbor dangerous bacteria, viruses, and parasites. However, several species do, and they can live in a variety of habitats, including people’s backyards.

Try to avoid habitats that ticks frequent. Ticks tend to prefer grassy and wooded locations. Avoiding these spots may be difficult if you’re also trying to hike or walk outdoors, which is why the following prevention tips are essential.

Don’t stray from the path. 

This is especially relevant today as we find ourselves amidst a coronavirus crisis—trail maintenance may be limited, many park restroom facilities are closed, and people are supposed to stay six feet away from others even outdoors. Stick to the middles of trails whenever possible. If you must step to the side to let others pass, try to do so in a clear area and avoid coming in contact with brush and tall grass.

Do a “tick check” after coming indoors.

As you come indoors, check over your clothing for ticks (wearing clothes in light colors make them easier to find). Check children and pets for ticks, too. Look carefully: Adult-stage black-legged ticks are sesame-seed sized, while the nymphal-stage (which are more likely to carry the bacteria that causes Lyme) is the size of a poppy seed.

Be extra vigilant throughout the summer season.

Ticks are most active between April and September, though black-legged ticks can be active any time there are consecutive days above 32 degrees Fahrenheit. According to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, the “peak” Lyme disease transmission season in Michigan is in June.

Shower within two hours after coming inside.

Check all over your body, paying close attention to any crevices such as armpits, scalp, and groin. As an extra precautionary step, put your clothing in a dryer for 10 minutes on high heat. This kills ticks before washing.

Use insect repellent or treat your clothing before heading out.

The CDC recommends using products that contain permethrin, which you can use to treat footwear, clothing, and gear, as well as EPA-registered insect repellents.

What to do if a tick bites you

  1. Gently remove the tick with tweezers, being sure to pull the tick straight out without squeezing or twisting.
  2. Save the tick somehow and snap a photo for identification.

Living in Michigan, it is important to now your ticks.  Ticks are a very common occurrence throughout the summer months for humans and animals alike. Be sure to protect your entire family, including your pets, against ticks this summer by familiarizing yourself with Michigan’s most prevalent species.